Monday, May 14, 2007


Just wanted to post pictures of the baby song sparrows one last time. They usually leave the nest right after they fledge. Once they do that they are very hard to find because they hide all over the place in the grass. Look how much they have grown in only a couple days. They can barely fit in the nest now!

Song Sparrow Fledglings in Nest


Anonymous said...

These pictures of the baby birds are precious. It is a good thing the cats haven't found them. Here in Florida the feril cats are everywhere -- they wouldn't have a chance.

Anonymous said...

We have no feral cats here because they get shot whenever they show up anywhere. My neighbors have cats, but I guess they get them fixed because they don't wander up our way. My outside cat loves to kill mice, but shows absolutely no interest in birds. She sleeps on my pet bird cages and the wild birds practically ignore her when she is around the bird feeder. I keep the dogs in their area except Sally (border collie...she wouldn't hurt a flea). Now my inside cat would definitely try to get birds because she really watches them from the window, but she isn't allowed outside except on her harness (which I plan to blog about one of these days...she's adorable in it! lol).